Pay For What You Are Using
Simple, predictable pricing
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I cancel at anytime?
Yes, you can cancel Monthly plan at anytime - no questions asked. However we would highly appreciate if you will give us some feedback. Annual plans can be cancelled as well, billing will be applied for actual monthly period used.
Do you offer discounts?
We've built in discounts of 16% at each tier for annual subscriptions.
What is your refund policy?
We offer refunds. We aim high at being focused on building relationships with our clients.
How do you define a user?
Users are any identity credentials with an access to your network. Users typically include your staff. Each user is assigned a unique username and password or certificate
How to import my employee directory?
You can either import users from Microsoft O365, Google GSuite or CSV file. Or you can manage users manually.
Is there an on-premises version?
Yes, with you can get a system deployed on Your servers. Whitelabel option is also available.
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